
There are two types of processors in Wro4j: Pre Processors - executed on a resource before the merge Post Processors - executed on a resource resulted after the merge.

Most of the time post processors can also act as a pre processors. This gives you enough flexibility to decide when exactly do you want a processor to be applied on the resource (before or after merging).

Any processor can be used as both: pre processor or post processor. In the future, both types of processors will have the same interface and there will be no distinction in its implementation.

wro4j-core module processors

Alias Class name Description
cssUrlRewriting CssUrlRewritingProcessor Rewrites background images url of the provided css content. Applied only on css resources.
cssClasspathUrlAuthorization (will be renamed in next release) CssUrlAuthorizationProcessor Available since 1.7.6. Auhorize all the url's rewritten during processing css resources.
cssImport CssImportPreProcessor responsible for handling css @import statements. This should be used as a pre processor and will be applied only on resources of type CSS. As a result of processing, import statements will be removed and the processed css file will contain a merged content of all imports.
lessCssImport LessCssImportPreProcessor same as cssImport, but also capable of handling @import-once statements. This processor is available since 1.6.3.
cssVariables CssVariablesProcessor Performs variable replacement. For more details see CssVariablesSupport.
cssCompressor CssCompressorProcessor A css compressor, implemented by Andy Roberts.
semicolonAppender SemicolonAppenderPreProcessor Adds a semicolon (';') character to the end of each js file if it is missing, in order to avoid any problems after js resources are merged.
cssDataUri CssDataUriPreProcessor Rewrites background images by replacing the url with data uri of the image. For more details see Base64DataUriSupport
duplicateAwareCssDataUri DuplicatesAwareCssDataUriPreProcessor Similar to cssDataUri, but doesn't replace with dataUri when the same image is used more than once.
fallbackCssDataUri FallbackCssDataUriProcessor Similar to cssDataUri, but uses both: base64 encoded & original url in order to work in browsers which do not support dataUri's. This processor is available since 1.4.7.
cssMinJawr JawrCssMinifierProcessor Css minimizer. The implementation is taken from jawr framework.
cssMin CssMinProcessor A simple css minimizer, which removes comments and unnecessary whitespaces.
jsMin JSMinProcessor Use JSMin utility for js compression
conformColors ConformColorsCssProcessor Transforms named colors from css to #rgb format.
variablizeColors VariablizeColorsCssProcessor Extracts all the colors used in css add details about how many times it was used.
- CopyRightKeeperProcessorDecorator A decorator for any processor. Inspects the resource for copyright (licence) header and inserts them back if the decorated processor removes them.
- PlaceholderProcessor parse a resource and search for placeholders of this type: ${} and replace them with the values found in a map provided the by client.
- ExtensionsAwareProcessorDecorator Decorates any processor with ability to process only resources of a certain extension.

wro4j-extensions module processors

Alias Class name Description
yuiCssMin YUICssCompressorProcessor Use YUI css compression utility for processing a css resource.
dojoShrinksafe DojoShrinksafeCompressorProcessor Compresses javascript code using compressor implemented by Dojo Shrinksafe utility
uglifyJs UglifyJsProcessor Compress js using uglifyJs utility.
beautifyJs UglifyJsProcessor Does exactly the opposite of uglifyJs.
packerJs PackerJsProcessor Uses Dean Edwards packer utility to pack js resources.
lessCss LessCssProcessor Transforms less css code into vanilla css.
sassCss SassCssProcessor Transforms sass css code into vanilla css.
rubySassCss RubySassCssProcessor Available since 1.4.6. Similar to sassCss, but uses ruby instead of rhino & js.
googleClosureSimple GoogleClosureCompressorProcessor Compress javascript code with google closure compiler using SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS
googleClosureAdvanced GoogleClosureCompressorProcessor Compress javascript code with google closure compiler using ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS
googleClosureWhitespace GoogleClosureCompressorProcessor Compress javascript code with google closure compiler using WHITESPACE_ONLY. Available since 1.6.2
coffeeScript CoffeeScriptSupport Uses coffee script to compile to javascript code.
nodeCoffeeScript NodeCoffeeScriptProcessor Available since 1.6.0. Uses node.js to compile coffee-script into javascript. Not supported on all platforms
literateCoffeeScript LiterateCoffeeScriptProcessor Literate CoffeeScript, an implementation of literate programming. The implementation uses either node (if detected) or rhino as a fallback.
rhinoLiterateCoffeeScript RhinoLiterateCoffeeScriptProcessor Similar to literateCoffeeScript but uses rhino explicitly.
nodeLiterateCoffeeScript NodeLiterateCoffeeScriptProcessor Similar to literateCoffeeScript but uses node explicitly. This processor works only if the coffee script npm is installed.
cjson-pack CJsonProcessor Compress JSON objects using CJson algorithm.
cjson-unpack CJsonProcessor Uncompress JSON objects previously compressed with CJson algorithm.
jsonh-pack JsonHPackProcessor Compress JSON objects using HPack algorithm.
jsonh-unpack JsonHPackProcessor Uncompress JSON objects previously compressed with HPack algorithm.
jsHint JsHintProcessor Does the static analysis of the javascript code using jsHint code quality tool.
jsLint JsLintProcessor Does the static analysis of the javascript code using jsLint code quality tool. Available since 1.4.2 release.
cssLint CssLintProcessor Does the static analysis of the css code using [ cssLint] code quality tool.
nodeCssLint NodeCssLintProcessor Uses node.js to compile less into css. Available since 1.5.0. Not supported on all platforms.
dustJs DustJsProcessor Uses DustJs engine to compile a template into javascript. Available since 1.4.5
handlebarsJs HandlebarsJsProcessor Compiles HandlebarsJS templates to javascript. Available since 1.4.7
hoganJs HoganJsProcessor Compiles hogan.js templates to javascript. Available since 1.4.5
bourbonCss BourbonCssProcessor A processor to support the bourbon mixins library for sass. Available since 1.4.7
typeScript TypeScriptProcessor Compiles the typescript code into javascript. Available since 1.6.0. Uses node.js for compilation. Not supported on all platforms.
less4j Less4jProcessor Available since 1.6.0. Compiles less into css. Uses less4j open source java library
emberJs EmberJsProcessor Available since 1.6.2. Compiles templates into javascript using emberjs library.
ngMin NgMinProcessor Available since 1.7.4. ngMin is a "pre-minifier" for AngularJS. It modifies Angular code to prevent errors that may arise from minification. The implementation assume the required npm is installed.
ngAnnotate NgAnnotateProcessor Available since 1.7.8. Ng-annotate Adds and removes AngularJS dependency injection annotations. The implementation assume the required npm is installed.